
Special report on ports by ‘Valor econômico setorial’ features interview with Datamar CEO

Oct, 17, 2019
Special report on ports by ‘Valor econômico setorial’ features interview with Datamar CEO

Andrew Lorimer, CEO of Datamar, was one of the respondents for the special magazine about ports published today by Valor Econômico.

In the interview, Andrew forecasts growth in container handling in Brazil between 2018 and 2023. “Container handling is driven by economic growth and is usually two to three times higher than the GDP performance from each country. For example, if the economy advances 1%, containers grow by 2% to 3%,” Andrew explained in the interview.

The magazine’s main focus is innovations and efficiencies that transform port operations, in which it addresses issues such as concessions and privatizations, innovations, and investments, amongst other topics related to the sector.

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