DataLiner Products

South America’s most trusted trade data source

Our products and tools stem from DataLiner, our master product. These tools have been developed to allow you to generate the report that you require, or to find the information that you need, in the format that you need it, and faster. With them you can analyze any aspect of seaborne foreign trade, whether your focus is on Trade of a particular commodity or Analysis of the logistics chain, or any myriad types of solutions that you are seeking.
Our database has over 200 fields of regularly updated data at your fingertips so you can:
  • Grow your client base
  • Find new market opportunities
  • Accompany your market share
  • Track competitor activities
  • Streamline your logistics chain

Choose the right tool to fit your needs

  • Search Records
    Search Records is our easy LOOK-UP TOOL. Ideal for finding those records that you need to take a closer look at. Create and save your QUERIES and VIEWS. Customize them with whichever fields you want to see. Track those records that are of interest to you every time the database is updated. And don't forget to check the Top 10 Rankings of Companies, Commodities and much more!
    Some of its features:
    Access in your web browser: wherever you are
    Historical data included
    Updated weekly
    Save all report filters within app
    Unlimited data searches
    Data download functionality
  • DataLiner Report Module
    DataLiner Report Module is our CLASSIC ANALYTICAL TOOL! Use it to generate holistic reports and to find trends. Customize each analysis to build dozens of different reports - each seeking to provide the SOLUTION you require. This is the place to save your Rankings, Market Share reports and much more!
    Some of the features it offers are:
    Access in your web browser: wherever you are
    Pivot table functionality:
    Simply drag and drop into rows and columns to create your report
    Powerful analytical tool to obtain market insights: filter, drill down and analyze the data
    Export your reports
    Unlimited data searches
    Save all report filters within app
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Countries covered

When analyzing markets from different countries, it is so important to be able to compare ‘apples with apples’ to reach meaningful conclusions. This is what our business intelligence system allows so that you can confidently study, compare and contrast data from the following countries: Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina and Peru.

Contact us

Send your query to Datamar. We will be delighted to help you.

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